Archive for the ‘Preschooler’ Category
January 25, 2012 - 10:46 am
This would be a beautiful book to share with a your baby, toddler or preschooler. The mother in the story talks about what her life was like before she has a baby and then moves on to talk about how she now shares all of those things with her child and how she used to think she had everything until she had a child. Yep, you might tear up a little…such a sweet and touching book.

Posted in Baby, Family, Moms, Preschooler, Toddler |
January 12, 2012 - 11:31 am
This book follows a little boy through his day while he eats, plays dress-up, goes to story time and preschool, has dinner and gets ready for bed. This would make a great cuddle time, nap time, bed time book.

Posted in Bedtime, Preschooler, Rhyme, Toddler |
January 11, 2012 - 2:56 pm
A link I saw that lists several books for families who really, really, really don’t like traditional princess books.

Posted in Early Elementary, Preschooler, Princess |
January 9, 2012 - 2:16 pm
Way back in my teaching years, one of the biggest questions I got from moms of boys was if I could recommend any books that I thought their son might like, that might keep them interested. If you have a boy, then check out this website…I wish I it would have been around about ten years ago. It’s called Books for Boys and I think you will find it VERY helpful.

Posted in Early Elementary, Preschooler, Websites |
January 9, 2012 - 11:01 am
Grandma ends up having to drive the trash truck because her sons, who normally drive the trucks, are sick. Let’s just say that grandma’s not used to driving the truck and there are a whole lot of mishaps, but at the end of the day she ends up getting a special award from the people in her town. If you have a little one who is in love with garbage trucks, then this is just the book for them.

Posted in Early Elementary, Preschooler |
January 9, 2012 - 10:45 am
It’s Billy’s birthday and he keeps getting all kinds of neat toys to play with, but he’s having a hard time sharing. He finally realizes though that it’s much more fun to share and to play with others than to play with a toy by himself. This would be a great story it you have a child who is having trouble sharing or if you are working on teamwork and how things are just better when people work together instead of on their own.

Posted in Early Elementary, Preschooler |
January 5, 2012 - 1:01 pm
This is a great book about a boy and his grandfather in the garden and a red hen that keeps following them. This story has a lot of repetition which children love and is great for developing beginning reading skills. It also is a rhyming books which is also great for beginning reading skills. Children will like the ending when they finally find out why that hen was following them. She has a surprise for them…

Posted in Baby, Farm, Food, Preschooler, Rhyme, Spring, Summer, Toddler |
January 1, 2012 - 11:58 am
The mama animals have put their babies down to sleep for the night so they decide to have a barn dance while the little ones sleep. Each of the mamas ends up getting tuckered out and crawling into bed with their little ones and once the little ones notice that the mamas are all asleep they get up and have their own dance party. This is a super cute book and it rhymes…I am a sucker for cute books with a good rhyme.

Posted in Animals, Baby, Classic, Early Elementary, Farm, Preschooler, Rhyme, Toddler |
December 30, 2011 - 1:31 pm
This is a great counting book and it’s also fun because as the hunter (who never seems to be able to see the animals that are hiding from him) is looking for the animals, your little reader will have fun trying to guess which animals are hiding in the background. The best part is the end when the hunter finally sees the animals and they are all following him. Again, great for counting…”1 hunter”, “2 elephants”, “3 giraffes”, etc. but fun and interactive as well.

Posted in Animals, Classic, Counting/Numbers, Non-Fiction, Preschooler, Toddler |
December 28, 2011 - 12:15 pm
Have you ever repeated something to yourself again and again in your head to help you remember, like a grocery list? Well, the little boy in this book is sent to the store to buy “six farm eggs, a cake for tea, a pound of pears, and don’t forget the bacon.” He tries and tries to remember the list, but it keeps changing. Your little one will laugh at the things he tries to buy and at what he forgets. “Six clothes pegs, a rake for leaves, a pile of chairs and don’t forget the bacon” is one of the many changes the list goes through.

Posted in Classic, Early Elementary, Food, Preschooler |