Archive for the ‘Preschooler’ Category
A little boy is counting down the hours until his dad gets home. He is trying to find just what he needs to make his dad something special so it will be done by the time his dad comes home from work. As the hours count down, the little boy is remembering all of the things his dad does for him: giving him hugs and kisses, taking him to swim lessons, packing his lunch, taking him to school and reading him bedtime stories. This is a cute rhyming story that would be a great book to help your kids celebrate the wonderful dad they have.

Posted in Dads, Early Elementary, Preschooler, Rhyme, Toddler |
Little Princess loves to have birthdays, so much so that she would like to have two birthdays a year. Well, she IS a princess and so the Prime Minister puts two birthdays on the calendar for her. Well, if two is good then three or four must be even better. That seems like such a great idea that she talks the Prime Minister into making every day her birthday, but she soon finds out that cake isn’t quite as tasty when you have to eat it every day and dressing up isn’t quite as much fun when you have to do it every day. The presents people get you aren’t so great either because they can’t afford to get you something nice every single day. The Princess comes up with a plan to have one special day a year to celebrate and decides to have an unbirthday once a year instead.

Posted in Early Elementary, Preschooler, Princess |
Poor chameleon is lonely. He tries changing and fitting in with the yellow banana, the pink cockatoo, a green grasshopper and more. In the end he does find friendship with someone who is just as colorful as he is. Children are fascinated by the fact that chameleons can change colors and they should be…that’s a pretty cool trick.
This is a great book to talk about colors and and if you have older kids, you could also address the topic of not changing who you are just to be someone’s friend. Little ones will LOVE the funny and fantastic illustrations as poor chameleon keeps changing not only his color, but his shape, too.

Posted in Early Elementary, Preschooler, Toddler |
April 12, 2012 - 12:32 pm
There was a time in our house when this book would have been a HUGE hit! If your child is into dump trucks, bull dozers, cement mixers, etc. then this is the book for you.

Posted in Preschooler, Toddler |
You can imagine that T. Rex probably isn’t the most graceful Easter Bunny, but when his friend Peter Cottontail gets a cold at Easter, he does what any good friend would do and steps in to help. Luckily T.Rex has some other dinosaur friends who help him find some more eggs (when he breaks the first set) and help him dye them for the children in town who are going to be looking for their eggs when they wake up in the morning. Unfortunately, T. Rex and his friends oversleep on Easter morning…you’ll have to read the rest to find out how they make things right.

Posted in Dinosaurs, Early Elementary, Preschooler, Spring |
Since it has been raining NON STOP here for days, I thought this might be the perfect book to review today. This is the story of what went on at night on Noah’s ark. Naamah, Noah’s wife, would go from animal to animal and check on them and sing them to sleep until she, too, finally succumbed to the darkness and fell asleep next to Noah.
This story is actually a lullaby and is the perfect peaceful story to read at bedtime.

Posted in Animals, Baby, Bedtime, Preschooler, Toddler |
This is a very adorable book about a little blue truck and all of his animal friends. Little Blue Truck gets stuck in the mud and all of his animal friends use teamwork to rescue him and another big truck that’s stuck in the mud. If your little one likes farm animals and/or trucks, then they will love this cute rhyming book.

Posted in Animals, Farm, Preschooler, Toddler |
We haven’t had enough books for the four and under set lately on MommaReads and this is a great one to start with. It has flaps! My boys loved flap books when they were little and this one would have gone over famously with them. Your little one will love this as they uncover what all of the critters in this book like to eat.

Posted in Animals, Food, Preschooler, Toddler |
Little Charlie is exhausted. He has been helping Mama all day long. Some of his helping wasn’t actually very helpful, but he was trying. 🙂 At the end of the day, after all of that helping, it’s time to go to bed and Little Charlie is more than happy to help Mama some more, by getting ready for bed and sleeping all night long.
This is such a sweet, sweet, book. It shows the absolutely sweet and tender part of our children who are willing to do anything for us because they love us.

Posted in Bears, Bedtime, Preschooler, Toddler |
I love this book! (I know, I always say that, but if I didn’t love them they wouldn’t be on here. ) 🙂 Why do I love this book? It rhymes and it has repetition which are awesome qualities to have in a book for getting kids ready to read and rhyming and repetition can make a book super fun to read, too. I also love it because the story gives kids a sense of where they are in the world…from the universe, to their country, to their street to their own bedroom. They are their “own little piece of the universe”.
I really like the illustrations in this book, too. I don’t know how to explain them, but the only word I can come up with is “retro”. I know, not very descriptive, but they definitely add a certain special something to the book.

Posted in Early Elementary, Preschooler, Rhyme, Space |