Just Like My Dad by Tricia Gardella
How to Babysit a Grandpa by Jean Reagan
I love this book of a little boy and his grandpa spending the day together while his mom and dad are out. They make yummy snacks together (ice cream topped with cookies and cookies topped with ice cream), go on a fun walk while looking for lizards and dandelion puffs, build a pirate cave, draw and read. Grandpa even manages to sneak a little nap in. A super cute book and a great way to celebrate grandpas!
My Dad, My Hero by Ethan Long
This is such a cute book and the illustrations are adorable. The boy in the story lists all the reasons why his dad is NOT a superhero (he can’t leap over tall buildings in a single bound, he can’t see through walls, he can’t run very fast, etc., etc.) but in the end decides that his dad is super and is a hero to him.
The 10 Best Things About My Dad by Christine Loomis
Everyone probably has their own top ten list of things they love about their dad if they thought about it. This little boy knows what his are and they include a dad who reads bedtime stories, is a very good listener and likes to be silly. Maybe your little ones can make a Top 10 List for their dad this Father’s Day.
Tyrannosaurus Dad by Liz Rosenberg
Tobias has a dad that’s like a lot of the other dads except for one small detail…Tobias’ dad is a Tyrannosaurus. Not only is he a Tyrannosaurus, but he’s a very hard working Tyrannosaurus, so he doesn’t get to spend as much time with Tobias as Tobias would like. Tobias would very much like for his dad to come and help on field day, but his dad is too busy and won’t be able to make it. Unfortunately, some tough kids show up to ruin field day, but guess who shows up just in time to make things right…
Blue-Ribbon Dad by Beth Raisner Glass
A little boy is counting down the hours until his dad gets home. He is trying to find just what he needs to make his dad something special so it will be done by the time his dad comes home from work. As the hours count down, the little boy is remembering all of the things his dad does for him: giving him hugs and kisses, taking him to swim lessons, packing his lunch, taking him to school and reading him bedtime stories. This is a cute rhyming story that would be a great book to help your kids celebrate the wonderful dad they have.
I Want TWO Birthdays! by Tony Ross
Little Princess loves to have birthdays, so much so that she would like to have two birthdays a year. Well, she IS a princess and so the Prime Minister puts two birthdays on the calendar for her. Well, if two is good then three or four must be even better. That seems like such a great idea that she talks the Prime Minister into making every day her birthday, but she soon finds out that cake isn’t quite as tasty when you have to eat it every day and dressing up isn’t quite as much fun when you have to do it every day. The presents people get you aren’t so great either because they can’t afford to get you something nice every single day. The Princess comes up with a plan to have one special day a year to celebrate and decides to have an unbirthday once a year instead.
Blue Chameleon by Emily Gravett
Poor chameleon is lonely. He tries changing and fitting in with the yellow banana, the pink cockatoo, a green grasshopper and more. In the end he does find friendship with someone who is just as colorful as he is. Children are fascinated by the fact that chameleons can change colors and they should be…that’s a pretty cool trick.
This is a great book to talk about colors and and if you have older kids, you could also address the topic of not changing who you are just to be someone’s friend. Little ones will LOVE the funny and fantastic illustrations as poor chameleon keeps changing not only his color, but his shape, too.
Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures
Many early elementary students are first introduced to Flat Stanley at school with the original Flat Stanley story in which poor Stanley gets flattened by a bulletin board. It’s fun at first because he can slip under doors and he gets to go on vacations simply by being mailed in an envelope. Being flat does get old after a while though and Stanley really just wants to be a normal boy like everyone else.
Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures takes Stanley’s adventures to a whole new level and does so in easy to read chapter books complete with adventures to different countries. If you have an early elementary reader who is ready for beginning chapter books and loves to learn about new places (Stanley travels to places like Australia, Washington, D.C., Japan, Egypt, Africa and Mt. Rushmore.) then these will be a huge hit in your house.