Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

From the Garden by Michael Dahl

August 19, 2010 - 11:24 pm No Comments

A great counting book with vibrant illustrations that brings the fun of gardening and counting together in one book. There are also hidden numbers on each of the pages that your little one will enjoy finding as well.

The Seven Silly Eaters by Mary Ann Hoberman

July 22, 2010 - 10:59 pm No Comments

Do you have a picky eater at home? Well, Mrs. Peters has seven picky eaters. Each one of them will only eat one thing. Peter will only drink milk, Lucy will only drink lemonade, Jack will only eat applesauce, Mac will only eat oatmeal, MaryLou will only eat bread and the twins will only eat eggs. Poor Mrs. Peters spends all of her days making applesauce, bread and lemonade from scratch, making sure there are no lumps in the oatmeal and making sure the twins’ eggs are just right. One night she drags herself up the bed hoping the next day, her birthday, might be different. The children have a surprise for her…

Big Red Lollipop by Rukhsana Khan

July 20, 2010 - 8:11 pm No Comments

Our youngest picked this book out at the library this week because it has a lollipop on the front (he is all about lollipops) and it turns out this is a great book! (Today also happens to be National Lollipop Day!) I love this book because it covers cultural differences…Rubina’s family being new to the United States doesn’t quite understand what’s socially acceptable at a birthday party or even what a birthday party really is. It addresses sibling rivalry which anyone with a sibling can relate to…Rubina’s mom makes her take her little sister with her to a classmate’s birthday party and it is a complete disaster and then her little sister has the audacity to eat her goody bag treats!!! Finally, it addresses the love the siblings have for one another, despite the teasing and fussing…when Rubina’s little sister gets invited to her own birthday party, her little sister has a way of making up for the goody bag incident.

Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey

July 11, 2010 - 11:11 pm No Comments

This is a such a sweet and simple story of a mother and her child out picking berries whose trip to the berry patch gets mixed up with a mother bear and her cub also out looking for berries. I think one of my favorite parts of this story is the last picture of the book with the mother and Sal in their kitchen canning all of the blueberries they just picked. If you have gone to the berry patch recently or are going to be heading there soon, this is a must read.

Bread and Jam for Frances by Russell Hoban

June 13, 2010 - 9:05 pm No Comments

Frances LOVES bread and jam. In fact, that’s all she wants to eat. Her mother makes her eggs for breakfast and all she wants is bread and jam. Her mother makes her a chicken salad sandwich for lunch, but all Frances wants is bread and jam. So….that’s exactly what her mother gives her for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Frances quickly realizes that maybe she might like something else to eat besides bread and jam all the time. I think all children can see themselves in Frances’ picky eating habits and most parents probably know exactly how Frances’ parents feel.

Peter Spit a Seed at Sue by Jackie French Koller

May 28, 2010 - 12:04 am No Comments

If watermelon is a part of your summer, you will LOVE this book. It is the adorable story of a little watermelon seed spitting that gets completely out of hand. There will be giggles from your little ones with this book….guaranteed.

Mother’s Day Sandwich by Jillian Wynot

May 7, 2010 - 3:53 pm No Comments

Ivy and Hacket have a very special Mother’s Day breakfast in bed planned for their mom but it does not turn out how they expected AT ALL. With the kitchen a total disaster and then an accidental spill once they get the food to the bedroom-things are not looking good. Ivy and Hacket’s mom comes to the rescue though and tells the kids that what she really wants from them is a sandwich, a hug sandwich.

To Market, To Market by Anne Miranda

April 9, 2010 - 8:31 pm No Comments

If you saw the copy of this book at our house you would know that is has been read-A LOT!  It is worn and torn, but oh, we love it so.  It is just a fun romp of a read.  It repeats enough so that the kids can start to participate fairly quickly and the illustrations are hilarious.  Every time you read the book you see something in one of the pictures that you didn’t see before.  You are sure to get a giggle or two with this gem.