Science in Seconds for Kids by Jean Potter

May 30, 2010 - 9:00 pm 1 Comment

Learn some science this summer! This is a FANTASTIC book for teaching kids the basics of science. The book is divided up into sections like: gravity, light, machines, energy, water, magnetism and weather. I would say the ideal audience for this book would be approximately ages 4-8, but each child is different. Ninety-nine percent of these activities are very easy to do and use items that you already have at your house. Go through the book and have the kids decide which ones they would like to do and then have them help you gather all of the materials. (as long as it is age appropriate for them to do so) Their enthusiasm will have them coming back to this book again and again. Teacher friends, this would be a great book to have in your classroom and it has MANY, MANY activities that could be used at a science center.

One Response to “Science in Seconds for Kids by Jean Potter”

  1. MaryAnn Kohl Says:

    I really like your blog…so many good ideas! So I thought you might also enjoy activities from another book Jean Potter wrote with me (MaryAnn Kohl) called “Storybook Art” which gives 100 art ideas that go with children’s picture books — art for trying the styles or techniques of famous picture book illustrators. What fun! You can see free sample ideas from the book here:
    and here:

    Thank you for all your hard work,
    MaryAnn Kohl

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